The FERIA Partnership Conference is a culturally and linguistically appropriate meaningful, practical and useful productive one-day conference for 300 Latino parents, caregivers and professionals working with special needs students from Pre-School, K-12 and Adults. A primary focus is on home- school-community collaboration. The conference is a collaborative effort between, (F) Families, (E) Educators, (R) Resources (I) IHE’s, and (A) Agencies working together = Equal Student SUCCESS!

Our goal is to provide families in the South Bay and San Diego area with educational information to better support their children’s education, mental health well-being and access to community resources.

Our Vision

The purpose and vision of the FERIA Partnership Annual Conference Collaborative is to empower Latino families and provide them the knowledge to effectively support their children with special needs from cradle to college to adult life as well as to assist them in attaining their optimal learning potential through a culturally and linguistically responsive home, school and community collaborative in San Diego county, including a high school student leadership/self-advocacy and professional strand.

Our Mission

The mission of the FERIA home, school and community partnership is to provide an inclusive culturally and linguistically responsive conference environment, which creates a learning environment developed by Latino family voices. Professionals and parents will learn about evidence-based programs, home/school language and literacy strategies, agencies and organizations available in the local community. Identify resources that supports the social, emotional and academic development of their children and which will result in fostering student success that prepares individuals with special needs to be contributing members of society and to participate successfully in our local as well as our global community.

Motto: “We Build Latino Parent and Student Leadership”

Past Events

9th Annual FERIA Partnership Conference, 2023

“Moving Forward: Appreciating Today and Planning for the Future”

8th Annual FERIA Partnership Conference, 2022
“You’re Not Alone: Together We’re Stronger”

7th Annual FERIA Partnership Conference, 2021
“Effective Transitional Pathways from Preschool to Adult Life”

6th Annual FERIA Partnership Conference, 2020
“Family Empowerment: Supporting Parents and Special Needs Children to Adults Through COVID19 in collaboration with schools”

5th Annual FERIA Partnership Conference, 2019
“Knowledge is Power: Continuous Learning Builds Parent Leadership”

4th Annual FERIA Partnership Conference, 2018
“Lighting the Pathway to Success and Wellness”

3rd Annual FERIA Partnership Conference, 2017
“The Voices of Latino Families: Cultural Understanding + Inclusion + Quality Education = EMPOWERMENT”

2nd Annual FERIA Partnership Conference, 2016
“Supporting Latino Families’ Culture & Language: Building Bridges to the Future”

1st Annual FERIA Partnership Conference, 2015
“The Voices of Latino Families: Empowering Educators, Families and Children-Youth with Special Needs”