7th Annual FERIA Partnership Virtual Conference
7a Conferencia Virtual Anual del la Asociación FERIA
“Effective Transitional Pathways from Preschool to Adult Life”
“Caminos efectivos de transición del preescolar a la edad adulta”
Featured Keynote Speaker / Oradora Invitada
Lisa Navarro
Client Assistant Program Advocate, Disability Rights California
Location, Date and Time / Lugar, Fecha y Hora
Virtual Conference/Conferencia Virtual (Zoom)
Saturday/Sábado, 11/13/2021
Te invitamos a participar en la 7ma Conferencia Anual FERIA Partnership Zoom, que está programada para el sábado 13 de noviembre de 8:30 a.m. A 3:30 p.m.
Regístrese de 8:00 a. M. A 8:30 a.m.
We invite you to participate in the 7th Annual FERIA Partnership Zoom Conference,
which is scheduled on Saturday, November 13th from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM.
Tenga en cuenta que la fecha límite para un registro aprobado es el 5 de noviembre de 2021. Es muy importante que se comunique con su coordinador de servicios para procesar su registro antes de la fecha límite, el 5 de noviembre de 2021.
Please note that the deadline for an approved registration is November 5, 2021. It is very important that you communicate with your service coordinator to process your registration by the deadline date, November 5, 2021.
Goal / Objectivo
The conference will provide knowledge-building opportunities for parents, educators, instructional leaders and SDSU graduate students to learn strategies for empowering all stakeholders to provide successful transition planning for students with disabilities, which is critical and fundamental for their success and transitioning after high school to adult life. It is imperative for school professionals, parents, and students to work collaboratively and engage consultatively as well as in conjunction with the student to determine each student’s future goals and develop an effective plan to meet those goals successively.
Contactos para la Conferencia / Conference Contacts
Registration Questions/Preguntas de registro • Dr. Rebecca Sapien-Melchor • (619) 890-6624
Parent Contact/Contacto con los padres • Manuela Valdez • (619) 770-7593
E-mail: [email protected]